Thursday, December 27, 2012

Homemade Papaya Sorbet

We borrowed an ice cream attachment from a friend to use with out stand mixer. We decided on papaya because we had one in the house that was bridging on overripe. 

Straining the pureed papaya

Chilling the simple syrup

Pureed and strained papaya

Blending the simple syrup and the papaya

 Beginning to mix the sorbet in the ice cream attachment

Fully mixed and ready to eat

Finished product!
I would definitely try making either sorbet or ice cream again with the attachment. While you do need to prepare ahead of time by freezing the bowl an prepping the fruit, it's relatively easy to make and can be accomplished in a few steps. I'm not sure I would use papaya again - it was more naturally sweet, and in combination with the simple syrup, pushed it a little too far into the "sweet" realm that I would have liked.