Friday, March 23, 2012

Ahi Tuna

We're all into being brave and trying/cooking new foods at home. We picked up some ahi tuna at the fish market last week, and went for it. 

We wanted to do a blackened seasoning, so we ground up and mixed a bunch of spices we had at home. It was a combination of coriander, black pepper, salt, paprika and cayenne pepper (I think modeled off of this recipe).

Do not adjust your television set. I buy the biggest pieces of tuna ever.

The tuna was seared in frying pan at medium high heat (with a little vegetable oil in the pan) for just a couple minutes on each side. Paul topped it with a soy sauce/rice ginger/mustard sauce combo he whipped up.

I had Paul cook mine a little longer, as I like mine a little less rare. He cooked mine for about 3 to 4 minutes on each side, and it came out great (it was a pretty thick piece). It was really tasty -- and enough left over from my piece to have for lunch the next day. Super simple to make, and something totally different for us. You could easily mix up the spices and the sauces to give it a different flavor (for example, adding citrus and making an avocado/fruit salsa to go on top; going with more of an Indian spice using cumin and coriander, etc. )

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