Saturday, July 2, 2011

2011 Summer Goals

So Paul and I set a couple goals for this summer: 

1. Try not to kill our herbs. Specifically, the basil plant. 

This one is directed at me. In dire need of basil, I snipped the whole damn thing. Surprise! It dies. In typical overkill fashion, we went bananas and bought a ton more herbs and some tomato plants, as well as are trying to resurrect the dead (herbs) we already had.

2. Make flavored oils. But without giving ourselves botulism

Um, I was unaware this was a concern, until I started looking up how to make them. Holy hotcakes. I do not want that. 

3. Stop shopping at the local chain grocery store.  

It's too expensive. I can go in with a list of 10 things, and end up spending $100. I can't take it anymore. $8 for couscous? THEY ARE TINY BITS OF RICE(? OR PASTA?). whatever they, thanks.

4. ADDED (as anticipated): Christine will learn how to grill meats. 

Yeah. This one is going to be good. 

I will be sure to update on our progress -- and knowing us, we'll probably either add like 8 more in. Or we'll attempt to do everything in the last two weeks of August. Or both.

Happy Summer, all!

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